Tema: Interés de la India, Balanza Comercia... del Foro de Negocios.
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05:30 PM GMT: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI, for its acronym in English) will meet to set monetary policy. The bank meets every two months, I just taking the last meeting on June 7. RBI official rate is the interest rate of 1 day, which is essentially the rate for a loan guarantee. The bank lowered the rate to 6.5% in April, and we expect the RBI to maintain a stable rate today. However, if the interest rate is reduced, the INR will depreciate.
06 am GMT: The Federal Statistical Office of Germany report on the trade balance. This figure is reported monthly, and data today will be the June. The trade balance is a flow statistic that measures the amount by which exports exceed imports. The market expects the trade balance to fall slightly from a surplus of 21 billion euros last year to 20.8 billion months. If this statistic exceeds expectations, the euro will be appreciated.
08:30 PM GMT: The British Office for National Statistics also report on the trade balance. This figure is reported on a monthly basis, and data today will be the June. The trade balance is a flow statistic that measures the amount by which exports exceed imports. A negative value indicates a trade deficit, so the imports exceed the exports. The market expects the trade balance falls from a deficit of -2260 to -2700 million. If this statistic exceeds (less negative) expectations, the GBP will be appreciated.